Viewpoint from Jane Mill 28/03/2025
Jane Mill
All Saints Church, Belton
Why me?
It’s not fair!
He doesn’t deserve this!
From childhood we seem to have a very strong in-built sense of injustice. I wonder how many times we have heard, or even said these things ourselves? And to be honest, they often seem like very reasonable comments. Bad things do happen to ‘good’ people, while others often appear to sail through life like a dream. The fact is that many tragic events in life – illness, early death, being a victim of war, accidents, etc., are entirely arbitrary. Indiscriminate. When we seriously consider what is to our minds fair and just, (i.e. a certain cause has a certain effect) we must surely conclude that life simply is not fair
So what about God? How can He claim to be fair or just?
Looking into God’s story which we find in the Bible, we see He creates the world and all that’s in it, and that it is good. We humans were given the most precious gift of freewill which was, and continues to be abused. And we can’t always use the phrase “If only they would stop…….” We all make bad choices which can have far-reaching consequences for others
Even more than that, it seems the whole fabric of creation shifted when we used our freewill to go against God. Even weather patterns. The crops didn’t even need rain (Genesis 2 v 5) Working the ground became difficult (Genesis 3 vv 17-19) I have leukaemia, and many others have different illnesses and conditions which cannot simply be put down to us doing something wrong. We live in a world which now experiences good and bad in all realms of life, some of which we can control by our behaviour, but many which we cannot
So is God just and fair, or not?
Next month, many of us will be celebrating Easter, remembering Jesus dying on the cross, giving any of us the opportunity to restore our relationship with God, returning us to ‘factory settings’ as it were
It matters not whether we are rich or poor; healthy or sick; educated or uneducated;
It matters not where we were born or the colour of our skin;
It doesn’t even rely on whether we are ‘better’, ‘kinder’ or more generous than another
His gift of life is totally indiscriminate
John 5 v 24 “Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes Him who sent me, has eternal life”
How much fairer can He be?
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