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Viewpoint from Derek Mill 21/02/2025

Worship Leader, All Saints Church, Belton

There is an age old question that we get asked as children: “Which came first the chicken or the egg?” Personally, I find it hard to see how an egg could have come first. Who would have looked after the new born chick? How would it feed itself and grow?
I find myself with the same feelings about us, mankind. If we developed out of some sort of green, gooey gloop how did we feed ourselves? How did we defend ourselves? How did we evolve into what we are today? I am quite sure that we have developed over time
New world records are set regularly in our speed, jumping, throwing and so on. Looking at architecture we can see from the door frames in older houses that people in the past had a smaller build, so we have grown. Having said that, the huge door frames in ancient cathedrals and temples don’t mean the people were giants!
dove leftThe Bible says in Genesis Chapter 2: “The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being”. That may sound quite incredible to some, and I would agree with them, it is incredible; but I would also add that it is wonderful that there is a God who created us, who loves us and looked after us from the beginning, until we return to dust
‘Genesis’ means origin or beginning. The Latin phrase "ex nihilo nihil fit" is a philosophical phrase that means "Nothing comes from nothing”. In contrast another Latin phrase “Creatio ex materia” is the notion that the universe was formed out of eternal, pre-existing matter. There seems to be a choice to make: what is the Truth? Did nothing create something out of nothing? Did nothing create something out of something? Or did something, or someone, create something out of nothing?
Dove rightIt seems the only we option can’t have is nothing created nothing out of nothing, because we are here! And we definitely are something. As René Descartes, a French philosopher stated: “Je pense, donc je suis”. Or in another Latin phrase: “Cogito ergo sum” meaning “I think therefore I am”
I believe it is a ‘someone’ who created us. Despite our separation from Him He continues to love us. In order to reconcile us to Himself, He came into the world in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. The love He has for us is shown by His willingness to do not only this, but to give His life for us. Because He loves us He gives us the choice as to what to believe
The big question is what is Truth? Jesus made this quite clear when He said: "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me”. God or gloop? Truth or dare? The question is what, or who, do I choose?

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