Broadland children visit Norwich Cathedral

Cathedral visit 750Broadland children visit Norwich Cathedral 

The benefice of St Benedict's Sunday Club enjoyed a day trip to Norwich Anglican Cathedral last weekend

On Sunday September 22, eleven children from the Hoveton area boarded the train at Hoveton and Wroxham for the short journey to Norwich. The children then walked across to the Anglican Cathedral where they were given a fantastic and engaging tour by Clare Williams, Head of Schools and Family Learning, and discovered the fascinating history of the building

The Sunday Club children then made their way to Pizza Hut for some food and fellowship before heading back to the train station

Revd Ben Bradshaw, Rector of the Benefice of St Benedict observed: “everyone had a fantastic day and learnt a great deal about the faith”

The event was part of the benefice's Children’s Church programme: a schedule of exciting and fun services for young people and their families. Previous events have included Palm Sunday walk with donkeys and an outside service with icecreams

Revd Ben says that “everyone is welcome at Children’s Church and it is completely free to attend!”

To find out more contact Revd Ben Bradshaw:

Photo courtesy of Revd Ben Bradshaw



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Anna Heydon, 30/09/2024