Parish Nursing 

RUTH PILLARHello, my name is Ruth, and I am a Parish Nurse here in Gorleston
I am a registered mental health nurse and worked locally in the NHS for 36 years before taking early retirement in November 2022
I had felt for some time that God was calling me away from my role in the NHS but that He was asking me to use my skills, knowledge, and experience to support our church vision to reach out to our community. So, with the support of the leadership team and congregation at Cliff Park Community Church (CPCC), our Parish Nursing service started in April 2023
So, what is Parish Nursing?
Helen Wordsworth, a Baptist minister and nurse, established Parish Nursing Ministries UK (PNMUK) in 2005
Parish Nurses are registered nurses who work in communities alongside churches and Christian organisations to bring holistic care to communities. They assess local health needs and work on health improvement through education, advice, advocacy, and referrals. They may lead health-focused groups, clarify medical information, and support individuals in health crises. They offer support to people of all ages, from all backgrounds, and of any faith or none
Parish Nurses complement, but do not replace, established healthcare services. Each Parish Nursing service is shaped by the needs of the area and the calling of the nurse, and so my focus is on mental health and wellbeing. The impact of the pandemic on people’s mental health is well recognised, however, there are many things that affect mental health; our personal history, family, relationships and how we see ourselves. Our social circumstances including our housing, employment, and education also play their part. While it’s not possible to stop all mental ill-health from developing, many mental health problems can be prevented with early intervention and the right approach. Prevention can help all of us, whether we currently have good mental health or not
I am available on a Tuesday and Thursday during school term time
If you or someone you know needs support, then please do contact me.
Mobile: 07907 066274

courtesy of Gorleston Community Magazine


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