From the Rev Liz Dawes July 2024

LIZ DAWES 11-2023Rev Liz Dawes
Curate, Great Yarmouth Parish


July marks an important turning point for me as I was priested at Norwich Cathedral on the 29th June and celebrated my first Eucharist on 30th June at the Minster. Whilst my year as a deacon has been amazing, being priested means I can celebrate Holy Communion, baptise and marry people, and bless them. All wonderful, joyous occasions in everyday life. For me it’s been a long journey of vocation, a lifetime really, which has taken some unexpected turns. Ordination came out of the blue, and the lockdowns of the Covid years were certainly a catalyst, but I feel so blessed to find myself in the Parish of Great Yarmouth, ministering to such lovely, amazing people
Ministry itself can take many different forms and all of us have some kind of ministry to offer. Whether its singing or playing music, welcoming visitors, arranging flowers, making refreshments, moving furniture, or cleaning the church, taking the time to ask someone how they are, or just praying for them, everyone has something they can offer
God calls each one of us to be part of the body of Christ and offer the gifts and skills that we have to the life of the church. I found my vocation through other people making me have a go at things in church: reading the lesson, doing intercessions and administering the chalice. It was incredibly nerve-wracking at first but soon became second nature to be standing at the front at church. It just took someone to give me the encouragement I needed. So, don’t be afraid to have a go at something, or if you see a particular gift in someone else, encourage them to have a go too. It could have surprising results

Revd Liz


photos courtesy of Great Yarmouth Parish

Rev Liz Dawes is the Curate for Great Yarmouth Team Ministry. Liz trained as a Reader in 2014 and has also worked with the CYF team at the Diocese of Norwich.  She was ordained as curate in 2023


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