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Latitude Festival Pastors' prayer support appeal 

Latitude 750
Latitude Festival Pastors' prayer support appeal 

Town Pastors from across Suffolk and Norfolk will be supporting the Latitude music festival once again this year as Festival Pastors and they would like your prayer support

On the weekend of 25-28 July 2024, the fields of Henham Park near Blythburgh become the site of the annual Latitude Festival: a colourful festival of music, comedy, theatre, art, dance, creativity, fun and relaxation for all ages.

This year the Town Pastor family will assemble once again, represented by volunteers from several Town Pastor schemes, working under the banner of “Festival Pastors.” This team will once again joyfully gather to serve, care, listen, patrol, and pray for the 40,000 attendees and staff throughout the weekend

As previously, Lowestoft Chaplaincy will creatively and inspirationally be helping engage with festival attendees as part of the team

Revd Liz Livey, Felixstowe Town Pastor, Festival Pastor and Latitude Prayer Encourager, believes it is important that prayer underpins the whole endeavour. She explains: “you may be aware at the very heart of Town Pastors and Festival Pastors is prayer. Intercessions over the last 13 years of serving at Latitude have made a difference and brought immense encouragement to the Festival Pastor team

“Please would you consider standing with us in prayer, either for an hour or over the whole festival this year?”

If you would like some more information or would like to be added to the list of people praying for the ministry of the Festival Pastor team, please contact Clare Peverley, Festival Pastors Coordinator at

Picture courtesy of Clare Peverley


Anna Heydon, 18/07/2024

Reproduced from the Network Norfolk website. Used with permission.