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Viewpoint from Revd Peter Paine 12/07/2024

Port Chaplain


 They That Go Down To Sea In Ships

The month of July is special in the seafarers calendar. The second Sunday is Sea Sunday, when all churches are ask to pray for seafarers wherever they are on the Oceans and seas or in harbour
This island of ours brings in over 90% of goods we need. It maybe your new car, or the fruit and goods in the supermarkets. Goods have left the Far East laden with goods for Christmas, for you or various members of your family, early I know, but it takes around 6 months to get here
dove leftThis month we also remember the tragic helicopter accident back in 2002, when 11 men lost their lives. A memorial door is at the south end of the Minister and their names are in the roof ,each on a helicopter blade. If you have never been in, go and see, it is worth  a visit, with a poem written by other members of the Platform who saw the accident. Please remember these people in your prayers
In the Bible Jesus used fisherman to follow him, and we can see the good work they did. Jesus still uses us today in many ways and we all have gifts to give. We are not all ministers but some have the gift of praying, or that listening ear or other gifts. We are told not to hide our gifts under a bush, as that is not doing God’s work.,
Take a few moments to read the following passage:
Psalm 107: 23 -31
May the Lord Bless you and keep you near to him

Revd Peter Paine – Port Chaplain


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