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Viewpoint from Rev Canon Simon Ward 05/07/2024

SIMON WARD 12-2018

Rev Canon Simon Ward
Team Rector, Great Yarmouth Team Ministry, and Rural Dean


Whatever the results of the election my prayer is always that those elected and task with the honour of holding public office, at whatever level, will do so with a sense of service
Last week I witnessed another kind of service. I have not seen a response to an emergency incident unfolded in front of me in quite the way I did when woken very early one morning by the smell of smoke. Many people will have seen the consequences of the fire on Northgate Street but what I witnessed was remarkable work by our emergency services. As the first fire crew arrived and then police officers and more fire crews and ambulance service. It was remarkable to see the professionalism and care that was taken. From where I stood it all appeared very well coordinated and controlled as each person knew their part in the response. I noted to the small acts of care and concern for those who were affected by the situation. Many have expressed their concern for those who lost homes, possessions or their businesses and our empathy should not diminish: it is a terrible thing to lose so much
dove leftWe are fortunate to know that there is amazing professional help at hand when we need it the most. Their response made the difference and it could have been worse. Imagine if we did not have a fire service such as we have. Imagine what would have happened 100 years ago?
All of this is enabled through those who serve. At that moment of call their brief and their objective is clear, which in the case I saw was to contain a fire and keep everyone safe. Everyone knew what they were meant to be doing. The political life is not always so black-and-white. The choices of how to make a difference in a community or across the country or across the globe and rather more nuanced and sometimes very hard to discern. What does make a difference? Is those in public office who go about their duty with the sense of service. First part of learning to serve is learning to listen; listening to the people and the community who have chosen you. Our prayers and best wishes are with all who serve our community

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