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Viewpoint from Izabela Clarry 07/06/2024

Dove rightIzabela Clarry
Seventh-day Adventist Church, Gorleston


Have you ever struggled with your sense of self-worth?
Have you lacked in confidence?
Have you felt undervalued?
Maybe there was someone in your life who made you feel that you were not enough, that you didn’t matter or didn’t belong?
If you get subjected to such treatment it could certainly affect the way you see yourself and others. The road to recovery can be long, however by God’s grace, you can find healing in Him
And healing begins by realizing what your true value is
dove leftFirst of all we need to distinguish the difference between the meaning of the words “worth” and “value”. For example: I might not value a vintage car as much as someone else does, however regardless of how valuable it is to me, a vintage car is still worth thousands of pounds
How valuable an item is really depends on the opinion of the person who is evaluating it. However, with worth, all that matters is the actual cost of the item, without factoring in anyone’s opinion
Back to the original question - how much does God value you?
“You are so valuable to God that you are worth the premium price tag that it cost Jesus to ransom you from your sins”
Your worth is Jesus’ own life. The most precious life of the very Son of God, the Creator of the Universe!
Dove rightIt doesn’t matter what lies the enemy throws at you, or what other people say about you. Remember,
•Jacob looked at Joseph and saw a good son
• The ten brothers looked at Joseph and saw an irritating dreamer
• The travellers looked at Joseph and saw a slave
• Potiphar looked at Joseph and saw a fine servant
•Potiphar's wife looked at Joseph and saw a potential boyfriend
• The prison officers saw in Joseph a prisoner
 God looked at Joseph and saw a Prime Minister of Egypt in waiting!!
So be encouraged and remember you are fully known, seen, loved, and valued by your Heavenly Father!


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