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Viewpoint from Rev Donna Dodson 01/09/2023 

DONNA     DODSON 2Rev Donna Dodson
Methodist Minister:  Magdalen Way/Norfolk Broads Circuit

God's Selfie

I wonder if you have ever posted a selfie on social media.  If not, I think there's a good chance you've seen them.  Often people put their 'game face' on and try to look as alluring or intelligent or happy as possible.  We take care to present ourselves to others in the best light we can.   We may have a thoroughly messy house, but we go out with matching shoes and make-up to give a good impression of who we want to be.  Or we may feel defeated by life and that we are a failure, still we do the thumbs up at the camera or raise our glass with a cheesy smile  
dove leftSo, what would God's selfie look like?  Benign old man sitting on a throne in the clouds?   Buddy Jesus with glinting white teeth giving you the thumbs up?  You might not think God would have a selfie, after all doesn't the Bible say something about no graven images?   But we are told that Jesus is “the image of the invisible God” (Colossians 1:15).   Then in the book called Hebrews chapter one verse 3 it says,  “He is the reflection of God's glory and the exact imprint of God's very being”. And when Philip asked him “Show us the Father”, what did Jesus answer?  See for yourself, it's part of John's gospel chapter 14:
Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us
"9 Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father
So, Jesus is God's selfie.  If we want to know what God looks like we need to look at Jesus.  And what do we see? 
A God out to find fault or who is distant or angry? No!  Jesus shows us that God is compassionate, people loving, gracious person who went out of his way and was prepared to both live his life and give his life to declare that God's kingdom is full of love and forgiveness, hope and purpose.   And there is nothing fake or phony about this selfie
Take a closer look!

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