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From the Rev Liz Dawes July 2023


Hello everyone, my name is Liz and I am very excited to be starting as your new curate after I am ordained on the 2nd July at Norwich cathedral. I will be living in Gorleston with my husband, Peter, and we have two sons who will both be at university by September. I’m very much a Norfolk girl, having grown up on the outskirts of Norwich. We lived in Aylsham for 15 years while our children were at school but currently live in the centre of Norwich. After finishing college, I worked for Norfolk Library Service for eleven years and then the Diocese of Norwich for thirteen years where I was for the most part administrator for the Children, Youth & Families team, putting on events and training for youth and children’s workers and young people, which I enjoyed enormously. However, the pandemic caused me to reevaluate the direction in which my life was going, and I realised that it was the right time for me to pursue ordination. I had trained and been licensed as a Lay Minister (Reader) in 2014 so I have almost a decade of experience of ministry with the Aylsham & District Team

I am very excited indeed to be coming to Great Yarmouth for my curacy. The minster is a magnificent building and I am very much looking forward to working and leading worship there, as well as St Paul’s and St Mary’s, and getting to know you all. For the last two years I have been training at Ripon College, Cuddesdon just outside Oxford and also on placement in the Horsford Benefice, both of which have been a wonderful experience and I have learnt so much I can bring with me into curacy. My particular passion in life is music, both playing and singing, and I am particularly excited about the opportunities for listening to and making music that there are at the Minster and in Great Yarmouth. I’m also a keen birdwatcher and nature lover and I’m looking forward to exploring the local area on foot with a pair of binoculars. Most of all I am looking forward to being part of a wonderful vibrant community in a lovely historic town and getting to know you all in church and around the town
God Bless
Liz Dawes


Rev Liz Dawes
Curate, Great Yarmouth Team Ministry


this article courtesy of Parish Life