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Viewpoint from Anne Simpson 18/08/2023 

Pastor, Elim Pentecostal Church, Bradwell

Finding a Place of Rest

During this summer season many will be enjoying a well deserved rest from their work or school doing many different activities but even though we may be on holiday, many never discover the true place of rest from their restless emotions and worry
The word “holiday” originated from “holy day” which symbolised a special religious day where people would take time off to reflect upon the Lord. Today holidays have developed into several days or weeks rather than just one day of celebration
dove leftGod showed us the example of rest after he created the world in 6 days; he then rested on the 7th day. Rest was a concept created by God but involves much more than just physical rest. Jesus said “Come unto me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest”
In a world of turmoil and uncertainty there is a place where we can find rest for our souls. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection he offers to us new life and a place of peace. As we surrender our lives to him he promises to walk with us through this life and ultimately one day we will enter into his eternal rest
I often travel around Africa on mission and I find that many Christians go off to the mountains to pray not because the mountain itself is holy but because their home life is often very noisy with many people living in one house so it is a practical thing of wanting to find a place of peace and quiet to seek God
In our lives whatever our situation, it is good to find a place of peace and quiet where we can reflect and pray. Whether that involves turning off the TV to sit and read or going to another room or going for a walk to enjoy the nature that God has given to us or doing some other activity that we find relaxing. I find that just walking by the sea is a great place to unwind and we are blessed to live near so many amazing places


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