Indian crew needs our help
At this time of the year everyone wants something from you
We, at the Seafarers Centre, really do need your help
12 Indian crew members have been stranded here in Great Yarmouth since 5th June 2016. They have not been paid by their company, and will not be able to travel home for Christmas
At the Seafarers Centre, we have been doing our best with the manpower and finances available to the Port Chaplain, but this has now run dry
Great Yarmouth’s Port Chaplain, Revd Peter Paine, is seeking help from the people of the town to help this crew have a better Christmas whilst being away from home. The following items would help a lot:
flannels, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, small towels, antiperspirant, shower gel, small packets of tissues, and anything else for a male person
someone to write a card to them, just to let them know someone is thinking of them
chocolate, and anything else you may think would be useful to them
you may even send a donation for us to go shopping for them
Rev Peter said "I am looking to take these items to the crew on Christmas Day and to bring them some cheer whilst far away from loved ones"
"If you can help in any way, you may bring items to the Seafarers Center or phone me on 07788111823 and I will come and collect"
"I know you will be able to help this crew and so in advance I say on their behalf a very BIG Thank You"