Are your caring responsibilities making you feel lonely and socially isolated? Did you know there is support out there to help you make new connections in your local community? Norfolk County Council has commissioned three support services across the county to tackle social isolation and loneliness and the affect it can have on people’s health and wellbeing. The services offering one-to-one, group and peer support to adults aged over 18 years old are:
All three organisations work with a range of other specialist health and wellbeing organisations. They can help you with: identifying and overcoming barrier that may prevent you from becoming more connected; accessing social and community activities; volunteering opportunities; local support networks; reconnecting with family and friends; making new connections in your community The services can also support you if you are lonely and socially isolated because of a more complex situation, such as caring for a family member or friend, you are in debt or have mental or physical ill health
this article first appeared in Imagine Norfolk Together - Kings Lynn- newsletter