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Network Yarmouth
Remembering the End of World War One
30th October 2018
as published in November Parish Life
This year Remembrance Sunday, 11th November, marks the centenary of the end of World War One. Of the 65 million men who were mobilized, 8.5 million were killed and a further 21 million wounded
How should we celebrate this anniversary? In remembering the armistice, our response should be to desire Micah’s vision of universal peace in our world: “
They will beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore
” (Micah 4:3)
However, why keep asking God for peace, when we continue to see such violence and unrest in our world? The Bible makes it clear that peace is not just the absence of war or being untroubled. It means being in a right relationship with God through Jesus Christ, with other people and with wider society
Of course, Micah’s words are looking to end of time when God will make all things new in His universal kingdom. However, these promises also speak to us now. The ministry of Jesus demonstrated the kingdom or reign of God breaking into the everyday, as He healed the sick and brought reconciliation and hope
The end of the centenary of World War 1 is a time to consider peace. Although the war did not bring a lasting peace to the world, for the Christian there’s a deeper lesson: peace begins with the healing of hearts, the restoring of relationships and with a deep, costly commitment to justice
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Article printed from at 09:02 on 10 January 2025