Praise in the Park
It was a wonderful sunny and warm evening on Sunday 22nd August and we were in St George’s Park in Great Yarmouth. The forecast had been terrible with flash flood warnings but the Lord was good. There were over 90 of us from Park Baptist Church, other churches in the borough, Street Pastors, some on holiday, and those just passing by
Rev Derrick Hill opened the event with teaching and then we all sang our hearts out in worship. Rev Hill introduced his son-in-law, Conrad, who gave his testimony about how he became a Christian in 2003. He’d seen a presentation about an Alpha course and was very impressed with the format: food, people challenging Christians and even arguing with them, and most of all attractive young ladies! Shortly afterwards, lo and behold, he saw one advertised in his home town and, of course, he had to go. He then realised the power he had to do something about the inequalities in the world because he had a direct line to God
We were treated to a solo performance in Portuguese by Louise Liddament, member of Park Baptist Church, followed by a solo performance from Ann Steer from Leicester who sang a song based upon the famous poem ‘Footprints’
Lessie Keenan gave a reading from John 14 and we followed with more robust singing and concluded with prayer. Throughout the service, the Street Pastors were ministering to those in the park, people were showing interest on the fringes, and some people even came across to join in
The service started in bright sunshine but ended with spots of rain threatening far more, which was very poignant as I heard one person warming up before the start and she was singing that well known number ‘singing in the rain’!!